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Memorials and Tributes 

If you would like to place a Tribute or a Memorial, please contact Susan Saulvester

for details


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In Memory of Carol Sazama

and her Wismiss Aussies.

We miss you Carol

Kerrie Bryan

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In Memory of  Jesse

loved by Marc Levesque

 In Memory of Barb Curtis

Pat Maynard

Kerrie Bryan

Auggie & Princess Grace .

Each dog had unique personalities.

They were adorable, entertaining and

loved, never to be forgotten.


In Memory of Mattie Moody


A donation was given to ATR in tribute to GCH CH Ryba’s Precious Penelope  RATCH CZ8P  CGC TKN

Owned by Virgil and Marge Silver


In Honor of George and Bob

Bob was George’s best friend.

When George could no longer take care of him,

George put Bob up for adoption

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Gary Resner 

Australian Terrier Rescue thanks longtime Aussie owner Susan Myers for thoughtfully remembering ATR and her rescue dog Maggie in her estate planning.

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GCH CH Merrigangs Wild N Crazy Guy CD RN MX MXJ ME EE6 Donations made in memory of Reggie by Darlene Evans and Eileen Cummings

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Donation made in honor of Sharon Blackburn, who passed away on June 24, 2017. Sharon raised and loved 5 Aussies since July 5, 1976

Donation was made in memory of Teddy & Bonzer by Amy Cross, Lynden Harris and Cooper Harris.

In Memory of Bull

CH Temora Bully For You ROM EX January 16, 2004 to January 26, 2016. Donations made by: Darlene Evans, Dorothy Dixon, Eileen Cummings, Carole Larsen and Judy O'Brien.

In Memory of Boo

Such a little firecracker! That sparkle of mischief in your eye! You were my naughty boy and I couldn't help but love you for it! RIP my special little Boo! Loved by Vicki Klaas

In Memory of

Donation was made in memory of CH Shastakin Sir Percivale 10-15-99 / 10-21-13 Shastakin Ruby Red Sunrise CGC THD 2-8-04 / 3-19-14. Always loved, never forgotten. Karen and Louis Ucci

In Memory of Dixie

2.15.2003 - 9.5.2017. Our sunshine will forever remain in our hearts. Bless you baby girl... until we are all together again. Donation made by: David & Georgette DeMarte (aka. Papa & Mama)

In Memory of Gulliver

Gulliver, loved by Jillian Martin and Annette Short. Donation made by: Jillian Martin

Donation from Rena Stevens Made in Memory of Nicky and his Owner.

Donation made by Darlene Evans in memory of Mistletoe.

Donation made by Marie Weidling in memory of her Aussie Chloe.


Jammer was a beloved member of our family for more than 11 years. He was a lively, loving, spirited dog who made us laugh and kept us busy! Jammer's jaunty gait and attitude, along with the fact that he was a beautiful dog, attracted attention from neighbors and strangers during his daily walks. Many had never heard of Australian Terriers, and he was a great ambassador for the breed. We miss him very much, and he will never be forgotten! Loved by Kari Frost & Kristi Dalenberg

In Memory of Cena

In Memory of CH Aka Inu Azucena Firewalker “Cena”, 2007-2015. Loved and missed by Grace, Bruce, Rose, and the rest of the Firewalker family. Cena, better known as Mama, brought love and laughter to every face she licked and every lap she jumped in. We love you Mama! Donation made by Allison and Kelsey.

In Memory of Jack

Jack was my best friend, traveling over 100,000 miles with me over the years. He was patient as can be and never asked for anything but to just to be by my side. Little did he know that as a rescue I considered myself the lucky one and needed him much more than he ever needed me. Loved by Denise.

In memory of Esther Krom

ATCA member and Aussie breeder Esther Krom passed away on Tuesday Aug 5, 2014 at her home in Clifton, NJ with her dogs by her side. Esther will be missed by the many long-time breeders/exhibitors. Donations made in memory of Esther by: Susan Jacobsen, Jim & Susan Gersin, Darlene Evans, Christine Nicholson, Karen & Louis Ucci, Wismiss Australian Terriers, Alexa Samarotto, Daniel & Janet Lavis, Members of New Jersey Beanfield Earthdogs Club, Marilyn Harban, Sandra Weigle, Louis & Cheryl Trohatos.

In Memory of Sadie

Sadie was funny, feisty and passionately devoted to her family. She earned her NA and AXJ, she was an inept agility dog who brought smiles and laughter to the onlookers, till Mark gave up on being the entertainment. She helped raise our daughter and helped us weather all troubles that came our way. She filled our lives with laughter, and love and we will miss her forever. Loved by Mark McGrath & Margie Robins.

In Memory of Abbott

Abbott came to us as a foster from the Alabama rescue. I was made to promise that we would not keep any of the foster dogs before I could volunteer to house them. However it was Mark who fell in love and decided to keep Abbot. One of our friends described Abbott as an “old soul” and he did seem to take the world in stride. His most happy snuggled up next to canine or human. Loved by Mark McGrath & Margie Robins. Donation made in memory of Abbott by Susan Saulvester.

Donation made by Susan Saulvester In memory of MACH2 Greyrock On the Edge UD VER RE MXG MJB2 XF (Katzen) and MACH 2 Tattercoats Tophat With Tail UDX2 VER RE XF ( Topper) owned by Barbera Curtis.

Joyce McPherson passed away May 19, 2013. Joyce was very instrumental in the beginning of Rescue in the early 1980’s. Joyce was always available to step in and assist in placing Aussies, or talking to people about the merits of the breed. She was an active member of ATCA for over 25 years. She will be dearly missed. Donations Made in Memory of Joyce by Darlene Evans.

Donation made by Longs Peak Dog Training Club of Fort Collins, CO in memory of Barbera Curtis's dogs Katzan, Annie, Topper and Maggie. Club members will miss seeing these wonderful bright-eyed competitors in obedience and agility. They will never be forgotten.

In Memory of Ripley

In Memory of Tak A Chance Rowdy Ripley, CGC. He is my heart. Ripley made me laugh at all of his antics. He once shut himself in the closet tugging on a piece of hanging clothing, he backed into the door and it shut. When I opened the door, there he stood with that silly Aussie look "Hey, you found me". I was so proud and glad to be his "human". I truly lived in his world. Loved by Nikki & Brian LeJeune. Donation made by Susan Saulvester

In Memory of Lucy

Donations Made in Memory of Lucy by Connie Fitzsimmons. In memory of my granddog Lucy Fitzsimmons, who was rescued by Brooke and John Fitzsimmons. It might have been her eyes. It might have been her prance. It might have been her sweet demeanor. Whatever it was, people loved Lucy. RIP, little Lucy. We love you always. Thank you for your love for 8 short years. Loved by Brooke Fitzsimmons.

In Memory of Auggie

November 16, 1998 - April 20, 2013. Our Auggie passed away on Saturday, April 20, 2013, around 2 PM. Auggie had so much personality. He was funny and clever, smart, goofy, and loyal. Auggie was a part of our lives for a very long time (but not long enough) and we had many happy moments with him in San Francisco, Lake Tahoe and Ocean City, New Jersey... wonderful memories all. Loved by, Jane Voeste and Marion Robus.

In Memory of Bonner

Bonner will always be “OUR BEST IN LIFE” and we were blessed to share near 11 years with this gentle soul. Bonner love and Bonner memories will be forever in our hearts. Dave and Georgette De Marte aka “Mama and Papa”

In Memory of Jasper

Donations Made in Memory Of 'Jasper' One of the Kansas 4. Carole Larsen and Julie Seaton - Jasper is in a better place now, there are no cages, no pain, no disease, just miles of grass to run and play and sleep on and plenty of Aussie's to play and wrestle with. Rest in Peace little one, you deserved so much more than what you got in life. I wish I could have showed you spring.

In Memory of Rusty

CH Tak A Chance Diamonds N' Rust, Rusty, 3/1/1997 - 11/29/2011 Rusty lived a long, good life with two other Aussies, Ginger and Emma who already had gone to the Rainbow Bridge and were their to meet him when it was his time. Rusty, I will remember you forever. Loved by Carole Larsen.

In Memory of Mookie

On October 29, 1993, my husband and I adopted our first dog, Mookie, In addition to being "boss dog," Mookie became the official greeter, welcoming neighbors, friends, and family who came to visit. She especially loved children. On December 31, 2009, we lost our beloved Mookie. She had been a member of our family for 16 years, and we miss her daily. Having Mookie in our lives was a joy!

In Memory of Taz

A furry friend is not gone, until they are forgotten! And to live in the hearts of those left behind is to live forever. Taz holds a special place in our hearts and always will. Loved by Jim and Lisa Meyerhoff. Donation in loving Memory of Taz Meyerhoff, from Kelby Luther, Amy Dawson & Ellen Estee.

Donation Made in Memory of Tom Stallings.

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Donation from Rena Stevens made in Memory of Nicky and his Owner.

Donation made in Memory of Nedra Adams.

Donation Made by Doug & Sharon Blackburn in Memory of "Ridge".

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Donation Made by Kathy Schneider in Memory of Lucy & Tilly.

Donation Made by Mary Wade in Memory of Nedra Adams.

In Memory of Sheila

MOTCH, U-OCH Feathertop Sassi Sheila, UDX, RE Sheila was one of a kind, as far as my performance dogs go. She won many first places and High in Trials in the Canadian Kennel Club, United Kennel Club and American Kennel Club. She won the High in Trial in 2006 at the Australian Terrier Specialty in Obedience. I lost her on June 23, 2009 at the age of 10. Loved by Karen E. Smith

In Memory of Jem and Cecily

Dreamtime's Little Dove & CH Dreamtime's Sweet Delight. They were sisters born April 15, 2006, lost tragically on February 22 & 23, 2010 from a reaction to Sulfa. Gone From My Sight, But Never My Memory. Gone From My Touch, But Never My Heart. Loved by Marilyn Harban.

In Memory of Sharon Adams

On August 7th, 2010 we lost one of our own - Sharon Adams of Oklahoma. Sharon had been an active member of the Australian Terrier Club of America for 20 years and had been an active member of Australian Terrier Rescue for the last 10 years. We shall miss her dearly. While she lies in peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Donations made in Memory of Sharon by: Darlene Evans, Julie Seaton, Teresa Randall, Oklahoma City Obedience Club and Bill Canfield.

In Memory of Andy

CH Bondiblu's We Be Jammin' He was our first bred-by to finish. Which could he have enjoyed more, the excitement of the ring or the couch by the TV, we'll never know. Though every bit the boy, a kinder dog you couldn't of asked. Sharing his treasured places and things with sibling, parent and rescue alike. We lost him too soon to renal failure, a complication of SARDS. Alive with love and loyalty to the last. We miss you, little guy. Always in our hearts, Mike & Terry Palazzo.

In Memory of Archie

CH Plesant Pastures Marble Arch ROM CGC. Archie, my faithful friend and companion for many years. He taught me the wonders of Aussies. Loved by Sandra Weigle

In Memory of Emma

Emma Peale, 1996 - 2011. Sweet gentle girl, she knew the meaning of devotion. Forever in my heart. Loved By Carole Larsen

In Memory of Ginger

Ginger Spice 1998 - 2011. My sweet little darling girl, she took every rescue dog I fostered under her little paw and showed them how to be a good dog. She was a social butterfly, never met a person or dog she did not like. Forever in my heart. Loved By Carole Larsen

In Memory of Prince

12/27/2001 to 10/19/2010 Prince was my beloved fur baby.We spent hours together each day doing all the things he loved: stealing my socks for treats, riding in the car with the windows down (even during the winter), walking in the woods rain or shine, playing tug and ball with us and his sister. We did all these things the day before he died - in my arms at home from a very rare and cancer. I now patiently wait for our reunion someday across the rainbow bridge. Loved by Jean.

In Memory of Adel

From the first moment we saw Adel, her love for us and our family was something special. With her easy-going manner, Adel just loved being held. Adel also exhibited an unusual interest in producing well-defined shapes, such as a straight line, angles, or curves with her kibble bits. Most importantly, she was full of love and life, a little mischief, and doing her best to please. Adel is so missed. Loved By Ken & Beth

In Memory of Rosalie

J-B-G's Hare Farm's New Blue Rose (Rosalee) Born Sept 2, 2002. Named after her Great Aunt "Yaralla's Wild Rose" (Rosie), but was nothing like her. From the first time we saw Rosalee (10 Weeks), she told us how it was going to be. Rosalee was independent, headstrong, and bossy, unless of course she was being your best friend, your bed buddy or your protector. We lost Rosalee November 22, 2010 due to cancer. She had a short life but she lived big. Loved By David & Tina.

In Memory of Bailey

Bailey was eight years old when we adopted him, having spent all his life in a puppy mill as a stud. He had a chronic yeast infection in one ear and had most of his teeth removed because of abscesses from lack of dental care. His eyes were dull and muscles soft from a lack of stimulation and exercise. Alas, after four plus years with us, his time ran out. A severe tumor in the left side of his head forced us to put him down when the pain became too great. We'll miss you, Bails. Marc & Susan.

In Memory of Bear

There never has been another dog that she has known that was sweeter than Bear. All I can say is that Bear was the true example of the unconditional love that a dog gives its owner. While Bear fought against diabetes, vestibular and hypothyroidism for the entire time we had him, he never stopped loving us and always had a smile on his face. We know he was suffering, but he never showed it, or stop dedicating himself to his family. On January 25, 2011 we lost our dear sweet Bear.

In Memory of Joan Holbert

ATCA member Joan Holbert passed away in August 2012 from complications related to diabetes. Joan was a Trainer, Registrar, and Director with the Clermont County, Ohio Dog Club for many years and was a member of the Delta Society. She took Molly to various places as a Therapy dog to bring joy and healing. Joan and Molly also participated in the R.E.A.D. program with children.

In Memory of Daisy Wade

I write with tears in my eyes, with the sad news that Daisy passed away on July 30th. She was almost 13 years old. She was surrounded by her family and friends. Her veterinary and day care family at Clocktower Animal Hospital loved her almost as much as Steve and I did! I miss her so much, but I am happy that she and Nedra and Jerry are together.

In Memory of Wylie

Wylie was a wonderful dog who loved to go for long walks with me and loved to chase flashlights and any other type of light that reflected off the walls. I don't think he really thought he was a dog, either that or he thought other dogs weren't worth his trouble. Loved by Margie Roulston.

In Memory of Tillie

July 8, 2008 - March 3, 2015 Tillie was a very little dog who occupied a very large part of our lives. She will live on in our happy memories of good times in San Francisco, Ocean City, and Lake Tahoe. Loved by Jane Voeste and Marion Robus. "I loved you well, and was loved. Deep Love endures to the end and far past the end. If this is my end, I am not lonely. I am not afraid. I am still yours." From "The House Dog's Grave" by Robert Jeffers

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